Home|July 27, 2024
Horse Whispers
  Horse Whispers - The Trail of Painted Ponies


Early on, when the buzz about Horse Whispers was just starting, we engaged in a conversation with the popular website, www.horsecrazygirls.com. There was an obvious overlap of interests – we felt that a website dedicated to girls, mostly teens, from around the world, who shared a love of horses, would appreciate Horse Whispers. We also liked the fact that the site was operated by an entrepreneurially-motivated mother-daughter team. Mom (Gerri) was in charge of the business, and her daughter (Sydney) would review games, horse products, books and movies and make recommendations. Working together, we held a competition on their website when the Horse Whispers figurines first came out in August, and the friendship that was formed will most surely lead to future projects. Check out: www.horsecrazygirls.com.


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